The Pug - Little Dog In Charge

The Pug - Little Dog In Charge

The Pug - Little Dog In Charge

Hallo Doggy Lover - Beberapa orang suka membuat anjing selucu mungkin. Untuk orang-orang ini ada pakaian anjing. Sweater lucu, kaos doggie, sepatu boot anjing, bandana bergaya, dan topi kecil dewasa sebelum waktunya adalah adalah beberapa barang yang akan dibeli untuk beberapa barang mereka dengan gaya. Mendandani seekor anjing lebih tentang pemiliknya daripada hewannya, tetapi selama pakaiannya tidak terlalu ketat atau terlalu rumit, kebanyakan mereka tidak berbahaya berdandan untuk malam (atau siang hari) di kota dan beberapa ras, terutama yang memperhatikan perhatian, cukup menikmatinya.

Munculnya internet telah membawa konsep mendandani anjing kita ke tingkat yang baru karena situs web yang menawarkan segala macam pakaian telah muncul di mana-mana. Dengan nama-nama seperti Glamour Dog, Designer Dog Wear, dan Paw Printz Boutique (dot com, tentu saja), situs-situs ini menawarkan atasan dalam mode anjing bagi pemilik yang bangga untuk ditempatkan pada anak anjing mereka.

Bertahun-tahun yang lalu tidak jarang melihat seekor anjing dengan sweter rajut atau pakaian lucu lainnya, tetapi hari ini ada banyak pilihan pakaian untuk anjing seperti halnya untuk manusia. Ada gaun dan celana panjang, jas hujan, kacamata, penutup kepala, alas kaki, dan setiap barang yang bisa dibayangkan. Ada pakaian kasual doggie, untuk melihat di pantai, pakaian formal doggie untuk acara dasi hitam khusus dan bahkan gaun pengantin dan tuksedo doggie untuk doggie pernikahan impian!

Dalam banyak kasus, pakaian desainer doggie dilengkapi dengan label harga desainer doggie. Gaun anjing di Glamour Dog dot com, misalnya, terdaftar dengan harga mulai dari $40,00 (untuk gaun Mary Jane yang mati) hingga $86.00 (Gaun Formal Cantik Pink). Beberapa pakaian anjing ini harganya lebih mahal daripada yang dihabiskan banyak orang untuk berpakaian sendiri. Tapi, situs tetap dalam bisnis. Seseorang membeli barang ini.

Beberapa favorit termasuk mantel parit anjing ($ 70,00), berbagai kaus sepak bola perguruan tinggi ($ 25,00), dan jubah mandi anjing 100% – sempurna untuk anjing yang ingin meniru Hugh Heffner.

Tren baru-baru ini dalam pakaian yang berlebihan tidak diragukan lagi milik Tinkerbell oleh popularitas populer seperti Paris Hilton yang dan anak anjing Prozac-popping Anna Nicole Smith, Sugar Pie. Kedua anjing jarang terlihat di depan umum tanpa beberapa bentuk dan anjing PR memiliki pengaruh.

Jadi, jika Anda berada di pasar untuk pakaian anjing yang akan menarik perhatian dan membuat anjing Anda diperhatikan, pakaian desainer mungkin adalah apa yang diperintahkan oleh kritikus mode. Pastikan untuk tidak menggabungkan label atau anjing Anda dengan desain yang bentrok. Lagi pula, apa yang bisa lebih gauche?


Small and spunky, the pug dates back over 2000 years. Their story is rich in history and they have been favorite subjects for many painters. They weigh between 14-18 pounds and are 10 inches to 14 inches in height. They are known as Mops in Germany and Carlin in France.

The Pug comes in many colors including black, apricot-fawn or silver. They are AKC recognized. Their short, smooth, glossy, fine coat is very easy to groom. They only need an occasional brushing and only ne...



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Small and spunky, the pug dates back over 2000 years. Their story is rich in history and they have been favorite subjects for many painters. They weigh between 14-18 pounds and are 10 inches to 14 inches in height. They are known as Mops in Germany and Carlin in France.

The Pug comes in many colors including black, apricot-fawn or silver. They are AKC recognized. Their short, smooth, glossy, fine coat is very easy to groom. They only need an occasional brushing and only need bathed with necessary. Be sure to clean the creases in their face regularly. Pugs have been known to love attention and they typically enjoy the attention that a good brushing gives them. Their curly tail, flat muzzle and prominent eyes are three of their best known appearance traits.

Born to be a companion dog, the Pug loves attention and being with their family. They need a family that will not leave them alone for long periods of time on a regular basis and do best in homes where someone is around most of the time. They are a lap dog and enjoy relaxing with their family, but they also have an energetic side and need plenty of play time. Be sure that you don't over exert them. They are happy-go-lucky little dogs. They do well with other pets and dogs, but early socialization is recommended. They have an *I'm in charge* attitude with their family and other pets. Due to this reason and their small size, they work best with older, well behaved children. They will let you know if they hear an unfamiliar sound or if someone is at the door making them excellent watchdogs.

Dating back to 700 BC, the Pug originated in China. There is a debate among many groups as to which dogs were used to develop the pug. Pugs were mainly used as companion dogs for royalty and nobility. They were introduced to Europe through trade ships traveling between China and Europe. It is said that a Pug saved the life of William, Prince of Orange by alerting him that the Spaniards were approaching. Napoleon's wife used a Pug to send a secret message to him when she was in prison. Winston Churchill's wife called him by the nickname Pug. Many of you might be familiar with the famous pug Frank that appeared in the movies Men in Black and Men in Black II.

With their loveable, happy nature and need for affection and companionship, the Pug makes an excellent dog for families looking for a lap dog with a take charge attitude. They enjoy traveling or staying at home as they are happy whenever and wherever they are with their family. Their whimsical looks and nature make them hard to resist.

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The Pug - Little Dog In Charge

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